Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tyranid players gets screwed - The FAQ is out

I've almost finished painting my Tyranid dual hive commander reserve army. I've played a lot of games with it and I'm very happy with the results. Not that it's a super competative army, it's just an army that suit me.

So what happens? GW release the worst FAQ in ages. It completely ruins my army and the whole codex is getting nerfed beyond imagination. So now there's pretty much only one way to build a decent tyranid army. A shooty one - a boring one. I choose to play Tyranids since I wanted a CC army in contrast to my previous shooty SM army.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tyranid 1750 Army list

I've been collecting tyranids since their 3rd edition codex came out, but stopped playing them since they became one of the worst armies in 40k. I didn't want to spend money on like 6 carnifexes to be able to give my opponents a tough fight. Now however with their new codex, many former "lol units" have become really useful. One of the most interesting things in my opinion is the new drop pods (mycetic spores). Together with Hive tyrants or lictors that make reserves easier to roll on, you can pretty much take your entire army in reserve and then just drop it next to your enemy on turn 2.

Because of the new tyranids, I'll be taking a break from my marines for a while and start working on my spore army.

Here's the list I'm gonna use:

1 Hive Tyrant – wings, hive commander @ 255pts
1 Hive Tyrant – wings, hive commander @ 255pts

Tervigon - Catalyst, toxin sacs, scything talons @ 190pts
Tervigon - Catalyst, toxin sacs, scything talons @ 190pts

10 Termagants - 50pts
10 Termagants - 50pts

2 Zoanthropes – Spore: Venom cannon @ 180pts
2 Zoanthropes – Spore: Venom cannon @ 180pts

1 Trygon @ 200pts
1 Trygon @ 200pts

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ott-Lite Lamp

ottlite, originally uploaded by YiiiArrr.

A True color lamp is a really good thing to have when painting warhammer, almost as important as listening to Trance.